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November 21, 2014

How to install programs in Kubuntu via deb file

There are several ways one can install software under Ubuntu Linux operating systems. Ubuntu has a built-in package (software) management system where one has to get the package file from the Internet or any other sources and then upon opening the package file with the package manager software, the particular package (software) will be installed. 

These package files are known as deb file since they have a .deb file name extension to them. For example, to install Google Chrome web browser under Ubuntu, one would go to and download the deb file. After downloading the file completely, one just opens the file by double clicking on the file and the file will be opened by the default Ubuntu package manager to install. Afterwards, one just follows the on screen instructions from the package manager to install the software.

For example for installing Google Chrome under Kubuntu (Kubuntu is a Ubuntu variant with KDE plasma desktop environment) , simply follow the following steps:

Open up Firefox web browser
Kickoff -> Applications -> Firefox web browser

Download Chrome Deb file ->
Accept and Install -> Save in the download or Home folder

Open Home folder (suppose I have download deb file in home folder)
Kickoff -> Computer -> Home

Open Chrome deb file
Find google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb in Home folder and open it

Install Chrome
Click Install Packages -> Make sure you have Internet connection for downloading dependency packages.

Run Chrome
Kickoff -> Applications -> Internet -> Google Chrome

Now, there you have it!

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